Corporate Policy

Posdata S.r.l. (hereinafter referred to as Posdata) was founded in 1993 with the vision of providing small businesses with the initial technological tools for fiscal management. 

Driven by the market's strong innovative push and the emergence of digital technologies, Posdata became an IBM partner in 1998 and established a dedicated team for the design and management of information systems. This transformation into a system integrator redirected the company towards new and more challenging markets.

Today, Posdata is an innovative SME experiencing continuous growth, delivering services to both businesses and public administrations, successfully competing with established national system integrators.

Posdata promotes change through Culture, Competence, and Proactivity, applying new ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to excel in developing innovative, secure, flexible, and efficient solutions and services. Technological progress demands specific knowledge, high skills, and professionalism: simplifying access to solutions and services involving complex technological integration is our distinctive quality.

Over the years, Posdata has established and consolidated an Integrated Management System for Information Security and Quality according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017, and UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 standards, committing to:​

•        achieving customer and stakeholder satisfaction by anticipating their needs and delivering high-quality services with high innovation rates.​

•        monitoring and optimizing business processes to achieve maximum internal efficiency and effectiveness, using technologies for continuous improvement of service quality, information security, and environmental respect.

•        ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data, protecting them from threats such as unauthorized access, changes, or theft.

•        countering interruptions to critical services caused by malfunctions, breakdowns, or disasters through a planned and systematic Business Continuity approach.

•        promoting the growth, motivation, and involvement of human resources, making them aware and responsible, and encouraging participation in strategic and organizational decisions.

•        providing training, information, and training for staff to work safely in the workplace.

•        ensuring employee accountability regarding data processing in accordance with privacy and information security regulations, providing appropriate instructions and conducting checks to verify knowledge and implementation.

•        ensuring compliance with procedures, instructions, policies, and corporate directives and ensuring full compliance with current regulations, particularly environmental compliance requirements.

•        respecting the environment, preventing pollution, optimizing resource consumption, and monitoring the environmental impacts of our activities.

•        requiring suppliers providing support services to adhere to Quality and Information Security standards and allowing Posdata to monitor their compliance.

•        periodically reviewing context factors and stakeholder needs, identifying and assessing risks and improvement opportunities.

•         creating a corporate culture based on talent, regardless of gender, to provide all workers with equal opportunities for personal and professional growth.

•         sensitizing our staff to use language that respects gender equality.

•         ensuring gender equality from the recruitment process onward.

•         evaluating the skills and abilities of employees, avoiding prejudices and stereotypes.

•         ensuring, based on organizational roles, that genders are equally represented among speakers at conferences, seminars, and all types of events.

•         ensuring that all employees participate in training courses and skills enhancement programs.

•         protecting maternity and paternity, promoting the reintegration of workers and ensuring the balance between personal life and work, as parenthood represents a valuable opportunity to acquire new skills, fostering the relationship between the individual and the company during all phases.

This policy, shared with stakeholders both internal and external to the organization, is subject to annual review by the company management.

Non solo prevendita e delivery, ma anche assistenza, formazione e consulenza. 

 Vogliamo offrire ai nostri clienti un ecosistema di soluzioni e servizi orchestrato in modo eccellente e in continua evoluzione.

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